Expanding Mental Wellbeing Initiatives

Expanding Mental Wellbeing Initiatives

Over the past two years, we have intensified our focus on mental wellbeing, recognizing it as a crucial aspect of overall well-being for our colleagues. The ANAGRAM program, a comprehensive well-being initiative, was introduced as a pilot and will continue as a three-phased approach within the corporate office. This program aims to enhance mental wellbeing by assisting our colleagues in identifying stress factors, developing effective coping mechanisms, and focusing on Emotional Intelligence.

Additionally, a ‘Colleague Assistance Program,’ featuring a Rapid Transitional Therapist for discussing personal and professional matters, was launched in 2023 for the corporate office. This program is set to be expanded across all our hotels and resorts in the upcoming financial year, with English, Sinhala, and Tamil-speaking psychologists available to assist colleagues across different backgrounds.

A five-part webinar series, themed 'It’s Okay Not to be Okay,' was launched across the entire JKH group and made accessible in all three languages. Additionally, we partnered with Child, Adolescent, and Family Services (CAFS) to provide extra support for colleagues when needed.

We have multiple programs running for mental wellbeing, reaffirming it as our key focus.